US flag hanging from a crane for Memorial Day Weekend. Photo (c) Copyright PLO’Connell. All Rights Reserved. The FBBA has permission to use this image for promotional purposes.
Photograph of a crowd at the Memorial Day Weekend Ceremony, Cape Cod. Photo (c) Copyright PLO’Connell. All Rights Reserved. The FBBA has permission to use this image for promotional purposes.

ue thing in the parade was apiece of steel that was recovered from the World Trade Center after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It was towed on a trailer and was displayed next to the American flag the fire department hung from one of its fire engines. The steel remnant will eventually be permanently located in front of the Falmouth Fire and Rescue headquarters on Main Street as part of a redesigned memorial.

Ahmed A. Mustafa, chairman of the Falmouth Veterans Council, served as master of ceremonies. He introduced Reverend David V. Calhoun, the chaplain for the police department and paster of John Wesley United Methodist Church who lead the audience in the opening prayer.

The combined Falmouth Public School band performed “The Star Spangled Banner”. Next two elementary school students lead the the audience in reciting the  “Pledge of Allegiance”.

At that point, the Greater Falmouth Mostly All-Male Men’s Chorus sang “America”.

Crowd at the Memorial Day Weekend Ceremony, Cape Cod.

Memorial Day crowd.

US flag hanging from a crane for Memorial Day Weekend.

The keynote speaker was Patrick J. Dillon who served in the Marine Corps and is currently a reservist in the US Coast Guard. Following Mr Dillon’s speech, the choir sang the “Navy Hymn” and the roll call of the names of the 27 deceased Falmouth veterans listed at Memorial Lane were read. During the reading a bell tolled and the Brian Boru pipe band played “Amazing Grace” . When the roll call was completed, baskets of flowers were laid at the World War I and World War II memorials by the Falmouth Garden Club.

After the flower Baskets were placed ,”Taps” was played and a Coast Guard helicopter did a flyover. Next the Falmouth School Band played “America the Beautiful” followed by the closing prayer.

All Falmouth residence love “America the Beautiful” because it was written by Katherine Lee Bates, a native daughter, who wrote the poem in 1913, after taking a  across-country journey. The poem was later adapted to music by Samuel D. Ward.   After the adaptation, it became one of America’s favorite patriotic songs.

After the ceremony, a lunch was held at the Elks Lodge.

That, my friends is how “small town USA” celebrates Memorial Day Weekend. It is truly heart warming to see the crowd build each year. This is an extremely patriotic community and we are happy to be living and working in this wonderful town.
Falmouth is surrounded on three sides by water. With its many outlets and bays, we boast of over 68 miles of beaches – more than any other town on Cape Cod. We also like bragging about having the warmest water on Cape Cod. With  easy access to water, Falmouth has always been an ideal location for maritime trade including fishing, whaling and shipbuilding. Many sea captains called Falmouth home and at one time nearly half of the 300 households in Falmouth were homes of sea captains and those who made their living on the water.

Old Silver Beach

Old Silver Beach

The Falmouth Beach Committee manages ten beaches.  They are listed below in alphabetical order.

All of the beaches below have Falmouth lifeguards, Changing facilities, and restrooms except for The Knob Beach.

Bristol Beach

This beach is located in “Falmouth Heights”. It has plenty of parking and beautiful views. A small creek, which ebbs and flows between Little Pond and Vineyard Sound, is a great place for youngsters to attempt to catch sea creatures caught in the tidal surge. An ice cream truck visits this beach and there are portable restrooms. Beach stickers are required.

Chapaquit Beach

This location is a favorite of many families. White sand and beautiful open ocean views greet beach-goers.  Windsurfers are welcome on the north end of the beach.   Beach stickers are required.

Grew’s Pond Beach

Located in Goodwill Park off Gifford Street, this is a fresh water pond beach, and staffed by lifeguards.  Grew’s Pond has a sandy beach. Grills and picnic benches are available, as well as a covered pavilion shelter. An ice cream truck visits this beach and there are portable rest rooms. No sticker is required.

Heights Beach

The beach at Falmouth Heights on Vineyard Sound is long and has plenty of beautiful sand. The water is warm and views of Martha’s Vineyard are outstanding. Because of a high sea wall, handicapped accessibility from the wall to the beach is limited. Restaurants are close to this beach and there are portable rest rooms. A beach sticker is required, however,  parking is limited. It is best to arrive early.

Megansett Beach

This beach is located along the shores of Buzzards Bay. It is frequented primarily by neighborhood families. Megansett is a great location for viewing a sunset. This beach has portable rest rooms and is visited by an ice cream truck. A beach sticker is required and parking is limited.

Menauhant Beach

Located on Vineyard Sound, and it  is divided into an east side and a west side by a tidal stream that connects Bournes Pond to Vineyard Sound. An ice cream truck visits this beach and there are portable rest rooms. Stickers are available or a one-day fee of $10. The fee can be paid to the gate attendant.

Old Silver Beach

This beach is by far the most popular beach in Falmouth and arguably, the most popular beach on Cape Cod. The parking lots are divided into two sections: one for residence and one for the public, which is accessed by paying a daily entry fee of $20. Concessions, showers and changing rooms are available. People come from great distances to enjoy Old Silver’s pure white sand. Parking is ample, but come early; the lots fill up fast.

Stoney Beach

Located in Woods Hole Village, this MBL-owned beach is staffed by Falmouth lifeguards and parking attendants. It is a wonderful beach, sheltered from the afternoon southwest winds and highly utilized, so arrive early. An ice cream truck visits this beach and there are portable rest rooms. A Falmouth beach sticker or MBL sticker is required to use the limited parking area.

Surf Drive Beach

Located on Surf Drive, a short walk from Main Street, this beach features public showers, a concession stand and is host to the Ellen T. Mitchell Bathhouse, where residents and visitors may purchase Falmouth beach parking stickers. Surf Drive Beach faces Martha’s Vineyard and is on Vineyard Sound. A one-day parking fee of $10. can be paid at the gate.

Wood Neck Beach

This beach is blessed with a tidal creek containing pure sand and many ”critters,” a popular combination for active youngsters. Wood neck beach is visited by an ice cream truck and has portable toilets. Beach stickers are required.

The Knob Beach

This beach does not have lifeguards, changing facilities, or restrooms but it is one of the most romantic, secluded locations on Cape Cod.  It has been the site of many marriage proposals.  If you wish to see a magnificent Cape Cod sunset, The Knob is the place to go. This off-the-beaten-path beach, is located in Sippewissett, and can be difficult to find, so be sure to ask your innkeeper for directions.